Why this Exists

I  hate cooking, I suck at it, I have no money, but I like to eat nice things sometimes.

I made this website because on countless occasions, I have Googled for cheap, easy, quick, filling, healthy student or budget meal ideas, and the internet provides me with thousands of websites full of fancy wank that most of us would hardly consider "cheap", "easy" things that require actual cooking skills, or "quick" things that take a very long time to prepare.

I believe food shouldn't take longer to cook than it does to eat. Plenty of people like cooking, sure, and probably those are the people who are making recipe and cooking websites. This website is made by people who hate cooking, for people who hate cooking.

Yummy Food for Lazy, Poor people is to become a nice, straight forward catalogue of easy, quick, cheap, nice tasting, filling, and maybe even healthy meal ideas that you and I can manage. 100% wank free. I'll add recipes as I discover them, and I invite you to contribute your ideas to our glorious, almighty catalogue too.


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