Contribute a Recipe

Contribute a recipe of your own! People like you are needed to make this site great. Before going up on the site, all submissions will be moderated to ensure they meet the requirements. These are...

  • Mustn't take (much) longer to cook than it does to eat. 15 minutes prep time is pushing it.
  • Rare or expensive condiments or ingredients can fuck right off.
  • Ought to be more creative than "Open tin. Put contents in bowl. Heat."
  • No use of specialist equipment or uncommon kitchen tools.

Also, if you have a photo to add to your submission, and we encourage photos, please email this as an attachment to and include your name and the name of your dish. 
Cool. Away you go then...


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1 comment:

  1. Apologies - some of my contributions take a while to cook. Missed that bit of the instructions.
